After Highland Park shooter Robert E. Crimo III, 22, murdered six people during the July 4th festivities and was apprehended by the police, social media is buzzing with his use of a symbol that is similar to the one used by Suomen Sisu, a far-right neo-Nazi association that used to recommend the works of Nazi…
Search Results for: Suomen Sisu
The new PS youth association is led by Nazi-spirited Suomen Sisu members
The Perussuomalaiset (PS)* party decided today to found a new youth association after the previous one, PS Youth, was replaced by a new one called Perussuomalainen nuoriso, or unofficially Young Perusssuomalaiset, reports Helsingin Sanomat. Last week, the former PS Youth turned down a motion from the parent party to change the bylaws and force its…
Extremist Suomen Sisu is extremist Suomen Sisu no matter how you word it
One of the characteristics of extremist groups in Finland is that they want to convince you that they’re “mainstream and normal.” A good example of the latter is Suomen Sisu, a Finnish white supremacist association, which announced on Yle that it wants to sharpen its mission statement, which it claims leaves too much room for…
Suomen Sisu tests Finland’s tolerance for hate
If you want a good view of the type of Finland a far right association like Suomen Sisu wants to build, check out the invitation to their 15th anniversary celebration at the Santahamina Military Base near Helsinki. The invitation states at the end: “Santahamina is a military zone where only Finnish citizens have access to…
Suomen Sisu and its red herrings: Radical Islamists are now gaining a foothold in Finland
Suomen Sisu, a far right anti-immigration association, said in a statement today that it was concerned about “radical Islamists” gaining a foothold in Finland after Anjem Courdary’s visit to Helsinki on Thursday. Is the extremist association were honest, it would take a good look at itself in the mirror and warn us as well about…
How ideologically similar is Suomen Sisu to the Ku Klux Klan and U.S. American Nazi Party?
While some may claim the headline to be provocative, it’s not too far off the mark. With what we already know about Suomen Sisu, is there a potential that it could evolve into a Finnish version of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) and U.S. American Nazi Party? Absolutely. You can read about Suomen Sisu’s (in Finnish)…
Case Suomen Sisu: YLE corrects mistake but remains quiet about it
The opinion piece of Suomen Sisu’s new chairman, Olli Immonen, was mistakenly published as “news” on Friday by YLE. That was later corrected by YLE, apparently after the broadcaster got a number of concerned emails from readers. The latest problem? YLE didn’t mention that it had corrected the mistake. Why is this important? Because YLE has…
YLE presents far right Suomen Sisu chairman’s opinion piece as “news”
Finnish Broadcasting Company (YLE) appears to have published ad verbum an opinion piece by the new Suomen Sisu president, Olli Immonen, as “news.” Nowhere in the story does it tell readers that this is an opinion piece written by the Perussuomalaiset (PS) MP but presents it instead as a news story, which it is not. …
How far to the right will the PS and Suomen Sisu take Finland?
Even if Suomen Sisu president Olli Immonen and Jussi Halla-aho, both MPs of the Perussuomalaiset (PS) party, tried to assure television viewers Thursday on A-Talk that the association is neither racist nor far right, nothing could be further from the truth. In order to keep immigrants and visible minorities disenfranchised, Suomen Sisu must come up…
Is condemning racism really condemning racism? Suomen Sisu’s ‘vodka’ problem!
I think it’s positive that Olli Immonen, PS member of parliament and new Chairman of Suomen Sisu, the Far Right grouping, so openly ‘condemns’ racism on the Suomen Sisu website, but sadly, the comment is open to some interpretation. The reason is that like PS, they condemn racism in one breath, and then choose to…