Mauri Peltokangas is an MP for the Islamophobic Perussuomalaiset (PS)* party and a member of the Nazi-spirited Suomen Sisu association. In the hostile video below, the PS MP with close ties to neo-Nazi groups, uses the following terms to cry us a river about bringing to Finland 175 children from the Lesvos refugee camp. If…
Search Results for: Mauri Peltokangas
PS MP Mauri Peltokangas is “on a roll” again. Check out his latest tweet.
Perussuomalaiset (PS)* MP Mauri Peltokangas is on a roll Tuesday. First, he demands the Swedish-Finnish border should be closed, and now he tweets and insults history researcher Oula Silvennoinen. Folks, this hothead Islamophobe represents the second-biggest party in parliament. Imagine, is people like him would call the shots in Finland? I wonder where MP Peltokangas…
The two peas in a pod: Perussuomalaiset MP Mauri “Perkele” Peltokangas and Benito Mussolini
THIS STORY WAS UPDATED Does Perussuomalaiset MP Mauri “Perkele” Peltokangas give you the creeps when he rants on YouTube? In one recent 2:36-minute monologue, which was taken down, Peltokangas used the following swear words every 20 seconds: A Peltokangas monologue is like watching Benito Mussolini speaking from a balcony. There are differences, however. One speaks…
PS MP Peltokangas wants Finnish-Swedish border shut. Fears crime from Sweden.
Mauri Pelokangas is a hothead Peurussuomalaiset (PS)* MP who has gained notoriety for his Islamophobic statements. He demanded the police to release the identities of two men at large believed by him and the PS to be foreign terrorists. Those two “foreign terrorists” turned out to be Swedish nationals who speak Finnish. Since Peltokangas’ conspiracy…
Migrant Tales Literary: Haluan olla perussuomalainen poliitikko!
Leo Honka Perussuomalaisena poliitikkona voin sanoa mitä tahansa milloin vaan,loukata ketä tahansaja nämä sanat eivät tule vainoamaan pahasti minua tulevaisuudessa.Miksi? Koska olen perussuomalainen poliitikko. Voin julkaista paljon rasistista roskaa kuten Jussi Halla-aho tekija tulla eduskunnan puhemieheksi.Voin jopa uhata tappaa maahanmuuttajanuoria junassa ja päätyä valtiovarainministeriksi.Voin sanoa paljon typeriä rasistisia asioita ja selvitä siitä kuten Riikka Purra.Sisäministeri…
The elephant in the room that shows us the way to Hungary, and wishful political thinking in Finland
How can the government be so worried about “national security” if you are ready to trash our most sacred rights like Human Rights, the Constitution, and international agreements? The Draft Act on Temporary Measures to Combat Instrumentalised Migration, or the so-called pushback law, is not only concerning how the constitutional committee can sidestep our most sacred values…
Will refugees at the Finnish-Russian border suffer the same fate as those on Greece’s Evros River and other EU borders?
“…the job of the politician is to guarantee the safety of its own citizens and to guard its borders, and that’s what Finns expect.” Perussuomalaiset (PS)* MP Laura Huhtasaari, A-studio (3.6.2024) The answer given by PS MP Huhtasaari to justify pushbacks and deaths is a raw example of the inhumanity used during Nazi Germany to…
The Finnish government’s vile 11 months in power
“When a clown moves into a palace he doesn’t become a king, the place becomes a circus.” A Turkish proverb Finland has turned into a show of lying politicians who no longer rely on facts but on prejudice and bigotry. Even if we mention the Perussuomalaiset (PS)* party, National Coalition Party’s (NCP) Prime Minister Petteri…
Today’s A-studio talk concerning the pushback law was an insult to one’s intelligence
Today’s A-studio with Perussuomalaiset (PS)* MP Mauri Peltokangas, head of the administration committee, and MP Tytti Tupparainen of the Social Democratic Party was disappointing when they spoke of the law on “refoulement,” also popularly known as the “pushback law.” Source: Google Even if Tupparainen said that human rights were a cornerstone of Finland’s rule of…
The Perussuomalaiset: A party that spreads fear and justifies anger
Finland’s Perussuomalaiset (PS)* is a far-right whose loudest message are foreigners and minorities threaten the country. It’s been a while since the PS won its historic election in 2011. While downplaying their victory and rise to the major Finnish political league, people like me knew that this spelled trouble for our democracy. The PS’ is…